顯示第 1 至 12 項結果,共 22 項Sorted by latest
Skybot (Multifunction Robot)
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) Robot
Fully autonomous navigation with an accuracy of 5cm
Temperature measurements
Human follow mode
Face recognition
Hazard detection
Virtual wall and virtual track
Autonomous recharging
Cloud controller/ remote
Point-to-point delivery
Joystick control
Slope climbing
Agile obstacle avoiding
OTA support
SDK support -
maxbot Point-to-point delivery Robot
Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) Robot
Virtual wall and virtual track
Multi-sensor fusion
Autonomous recharging
Cloud controller/ remote
Point-to-point delivery
Joystick control
Slope climbing
Agile obstacle avoiding -
SkyTag suitcase
Care On Call System
此系統主要為社會上的獨居長者提供實時安全保障。我們會在使用 者的住所安裝固定的平安鐘,並配合手環、藍牙信標、溫度探測器 等。而當有異常情況時,家人及有關團隊亦能夠提供適切的支援。 除此以外,長者亦會在身上帶著便攜式平安鐘裝置,讓他們隨時可 提出呼救。
Care on Call System 亦能夠於其他場景使用,例如建築工地,防止工 人進入危險區域。另外也可以在醫院、老人院等使用。
ST-2102 OPC UWB Tracker
This is our project cooperated with Hong Kong Ocean Park new event ‘”Explorer R” Experience Hub’. We have developed a particularly light weighted tracker comes with different colours, enhancing children comfortableness and attracting them to join the event by encouraging them to choose their favourite tracker. The UWB technology in the tracker provides precise location to organiser, preventing congestion and improving efficiency of the event.